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AIM Institute for Learning & Research

Teachable Moment

Video Words Matter
Susan Ebbers

Listen to Susan Ebbers as she shares her thoughts about the importance of vocabulary instruction with an AIM student. She describes vocabulary as the portal to comprehension and addresses its role in our ability to convey our thoughts. Lastly, Susan speaks to how educators can choose words to teach.

Susan Ebbers has focused her research on morphological awareness, vocabulary, measurement design, and interest as a motivational variable. For her dissertation work, she created a tool for measuring word-learning aptitude. She has taught primary and secondary grades and was awarded by the district for her contributions to literacy. She also served as a K-8 principal. With her publisher, Cambium Learning, Susan has authored four supplemental programs for developing vocabulary, morphology, and/or multidimensional decoding. She is developing a series of children’s books, beginning with Jamie’s Journey: The Savannah. Learn more at Susan’s award-winning, multi-author edublog Vocabulogic or visit her website, Readingway.

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  • teachable moments