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AIM Institute for Learning & Research

Teachable Moment

Video Comprehensive Evidence-Based Writing Program
Dr. Gary Troia - Part II

In his Access to the Experts talk, Dr. Gary Troia focused on instructional strategies and supports for struggling adolescent writers in disciplinary contexts. His Teachable Moments videos have been broken into two segments.

  • Part 1: Latest Trends in Writing Research - What are the latest trends in writing research?
  • Part 2: Comprehensive Evidence-Based Writing Program - What should teachers know about evidence-based writing practices?

Expert Speaker: Gary A. Troia, PhD, is Professor of Special Education at Michigan State University. He was a faculty member at the University of Washington in Seattle before taking his current position at MSU. Prior to receiving his doctorate from the University of Maryland in 2000, he worked 10 years in the public schools as a special educator and speech-language pathologist, and 6 years as a university clinical supervisor. Dr. Troia is a consulting editor for several scholarly journals, including the Journal of Learning Disabilities, Annals of Dyslexia, and Journal of Literacy Research. He is the editor of the book Instruction and Assessment for Struggling Writers: Evidence-Based Practices, and lead co-editor of Putting Writing Research into Practice: Applications for Teacher Professional Development, both published by Guilford Press. With colleagues Froma Roth and Colleen Worthington, he developed a phonological awareness intervention program for young at-risk children called Promoting Awareness of Speech Sounds (PASS), published by Attainment Company. Dr. Troia has authored over 50 research papers, book chapters, and white papers and has given numerous presentations about his work in the areas of phonological processing and awareness, writing assessment and instruction, and teacher professional development in literacy. He has been awarded over $5 million in intramural and extramural grants and contracts.

  • teachable moments