Teachable Moment
Dr. Fumiko Hoeft
Join AIM faculty member, Julia Salamone as she interviews Dr. Fumiko Hoeft and asks about the importance of an integrated approach in understanding children with learning disabilities such as dyslexia. Dr. Hoeft explains the latest advances in the neuroscience of dyslexia, with an emphasis on cognitive and socio-emotional resilience.
Dr. Fumiko Hoeft holds an MD and PhD from Keio University in Tokyo, Japan. Her current research program focuses on brain development, and brain mechanisms underlying skill/reading acquisition, dyslexia, and educationally relevant concepts such as motivation, mindset, grit and stereotype threat. She received research training at Harvard in neurophysiology, Caltech in systems neuroscience and Stanford in developmental cognitive neuroscience. Recent honors include the 2014 Norman Geschwind Memorial Lectureship from the International Dyslexia Association (IDA), and 2015 Transforming Education through Neuroscience from Learning & the Brain Foundation. She has published over 120 peer-reviewed research articles, reviews, and book chapters, and has delivered over 120 lectures including remarks/keynotes at UNESCO, White House, and IMBES. Her work has been covered in media such as The New York Times, NPR, CNN, the New Yorker, and Scientific American.
- teachable moments