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Teachable Moment

Video Scaffolding Writing Instruction
Dr. Charlie W. Haynes

Listen to an AIM faculty member and Dr. Charlie W. Haynes discuss the importance of recognizing the interrelationships of speaking, listening, reading and writing for the development of literacy skills. Charlie also shares his thoughts on the role of scaffolding written expression for students who struggle.

Dr. Charlie Haynes is a professor in the Graduate Department of Communication Sciences and Disorders at the MGH Institute of Health Professions. With colleagues at Landmark School, Dr. Haynes developed the first language based program tailored for children with dyslexia and expressive language disorders. At the MGH Institute of Health Professions, he helped create a Master of Science curriculum that offers dual teacher certification in both Speech-Language Pathology and in Reading.

Dr. Haynes’s practical publications in the area of spoken and written language development strategies include: Listening and Speaking: Essential Ingredients for Teaching Struggling Writers (Haynes & Jennings, 2006/2011), Essay Writing: An Attainable Goal for Students with Dyslexia (Jennings & Haynes, 2006) with a second book, From Talking to Writing: Strategies for Scaffolding Narrative and Expository Expression slated for publication in 2014.

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