Teachable Moment
Dr. Bruce Rosow
In this teachable moment interview, Dr. Bruce Rosow identifies and discusses the multiple facets of a word including phonology, morphology, orthography, grammatical role, meaning and the importance of teaching all dimensions for reading and spelling. Bruce shares that spelling does not exist in isolation and that student spelling can provide insights into students’ reading and spelling needs. Using a diagnostic prescriptive approach, analysis of errors can lead to informed intervention.
Dr. Bruce Rosow has an Ed. D. in Educational Psychology from American International College in Springfield, Massachusetts and a Masters Degree in Elementary Education from Norwich University. Bruce has been a Curriculum Coordinator and Academic Support Teacher for Grades 4-8 and has taught grades 4/5. Currently, he is the Academic Dean at the Greenwood School for boys, a school for students with language based learning differences, located in Putney, Vermont. Bruce has co-authored with Dr. Louisa Cook Moats, Spellography, a word study curriculum for students in grades 4-8. In addition, he was contributing author for the morphology strand in the revision of the Language! Curriculum. Bruce is an instructor at Simmons College in the Language and Literacy Graduate Program.
- teachable moments