Establishing a Culture of Literacy
In 2019, when he was principal of McDonald Elementary School in Centennial School District, we introduced Dr. Ernesto Ortiz Jr., AIM’s current Senior Literacy Engagement Specialist, to literacy researcher and AIM Research Advisory Board Member Dr. Julie Washington. Enjoy their conversation about his mindset shift toward creating a culture of literacy in his school.
I think people have a fixed mindset that it's the classroom teacher's job or responsibility to teach literacy. The gym teacher can do it. The art teacher can do it. The music teacher can do it...anyone can do it...Families can do it...We're all literacy teachers for our boys and girls.
-Ernesto Ortiz, Former Principal, McDonald Elementary School, Centennial School District
The whole paradigm shift, mindset change, instead of just teaching reading you're creating a culture of literacy in your building. Because a lot of times people talk about reading instruction and literacy like it ends at 3rd grade, but you're talking about it all the way up and that's going to change the way people think about it.
-Dr. Julie Washington, University of California- Irvine
Discover AIM Pathways
Research shows that traditional stand and deliver workshops are ineffective at changing instructional practices. Teachers find it difficult to translate theoretical models into classroom practice. For that reason, AIM PATHWAYS™online training courses are designed to follow a Learn, Practice and Apply cycle.
The fully digital literacy training courses, including Pathways to Literacy Leadership and the IDA-accredited Pathways to Proficient Reading, provide your school or district the tools to unlock the power of the Science of Reading to support students.
Reach out to start a conversation to learn how you can foster a culture of literacy in your school or register for an upcoming course.