Programs & Research
At AIM, we form strategic partnerships to transform schools by connecting top researchers and practitioners with educators in the field to develop powerful new learning approaches and make them part of teachers' best practices.
AIM is proud to be the first education partner of the Haskins Global Literacy Hub, an international and interdisciplinary collaborative of researchers and practitioners committed to the promise of neuroscience improving literacy outcomes for all children. The goal is to facilitate research to practice translation more quickly to the classroom and incorporating innovative educational technology in the process.
AIM PATHWAYS™ is a scalable educational training and coaching tool that translates the science of reading into unique learning and practice activities. AIM and the AIM IGNITE Center have ongoing research partnerships with the Florida Center for Reading and Research, Georgia State University and Middle Tennessee State University.
AIM is an instructional strategies partner with the Read by 4th initiative in Philadelphia, a collaborative of educational partners dedicated to improving literacy outcomes for children with a focus on helping students achieve grade level reading by grade 4. AIM’s training partnerships with schools in the region includes training for literacy coaches aligned to the IDA Knowledge and Practice Standards, collaborations with universities for pre-service training, and parent workshops.
Read by 4th is one of 360 communities across the US dedicated to the goal of grade level reading. The national Campaign for Grade-Level Reading (GLR) has united schools and funders serving at risk populations with the goal of preventing reading failure in these areas. AIM is working with the GLR Campaign to provide a scalable solution for teacher training and coaching to support these communities in their efforts.
AIM believes that collaboration between the research and practice community is essential to providing high quality teaching and learning environments and has gathered a committed Research Advisory Board of respected international researchers who are willing to share research findings and support promising educational practices.
Each year AIM hosts its Research to Practice Symposium gathering researchers and educators together for a daylong discussion about important topics in literacy research and ways to translate evidence-based research into the classroom. This important conversation draws 800 attendees (online and at AIM) and includes researchers whose work is garnering academic as well as mainstream international attention.
Discover Research to Practice at AIM?
AIM's proven track record of delivering evidence-informed and evidence-based programming to students, the AIM Institute's commitment to teacher training and its current replication of the AIM Integrated Literacy Model in Philadelphia-area schools, makes it one of the top services providers in the country. We are excited to have an environment where teachers and researchers can work together on these important issues.
- Dr. Ken Pugh, Director of Haskins Laboratories.