Early Childhood Education
Growing Proficient Readers: Dr. Ehri's Phases of Development
Growing Proficient Readers: Dr. Ehri's Phases of Development (4 Hours) - $149 Includes Deck of Animated Alphabet Cards
This AIM Pathways module dives into the research legacy of Dr. Linnea Ehri’s Phases of Word Reading Development. The content of this module explains the developmental progression of foundational literacy skills, key milestones and behaviors within each phase, and the instructional focus that moves learners forward to the next phase of word reading and spelling.
AIM is thrilled and honored to have had the opportunity to work directly in partnership with Dr. Linnea Ehri in developing and designing our newest literacy training course, Growing Proficient Readers: Dr. Ehri's Phases of Development. This unique 4-hour course includes AIM's Animated Alphabet Cards and an explicit instructional script to integrate the best practices for emergent literacy.
What to Expect:
- Dr. Ehri, developmental reading expert, narrating instruction in all four phases of reading development
- Resources to identify reading behaviors and link targeted instruction to support all learners
- Tips to support work with bidialectal and English learners
- 4-Hour, fully asynchronous course which pairs well with any phonics program
- A deck of AIM Animated Alphabet cards for multimodal instruction with detailed instructional scripts for each letter
- Course Syllabus
Early Childhood Education Bundle
Early Childhood Education Bundle (20 Hours) - $349 Includes Deck of Animated Alphabet Cards
The Early Childhood Education bundle provides instruction, resources and tools in three of AIM's asynchronous learning modules including our new Growing Proficient Readers course. The course includes a micro-credential opportunity from Credentials Unlimited.
- Overview of the Science of Reading - Contains content specific to the “science of reading.” 9 Hours
- Growing Proficient Readers: Dr. Ehri's Phases of Development - Features reading researcher Dr. Linnea Ehri narrating the observable reading characteristics of learners from emerging readers in the pre-alphabetic phase through proficient readers in the consolidated phase. A deck of vibrant, printed AIM Animated Alphabet Cards, including instructional scripts to use with each card, is included with this course. 4 Hours
- Phonological Awareness - A highly specialized module exploring the research and instructional practices related to Phonological Awareness, the first of five core components of reading instruction as identified by the National Reading Panel. 7 Hours
Purchase Alphabet Cards
AIM Animated Alphabet Cards - $149
This AIM Pathways module dives into the research legacy of Dr. Linnea Ehri’s Phases of Word Reading Development. The content of this module explains the developmental progression of foundational literacy skills, key milestones and behaviors within each phase, and the instructional focus that moves learners forward to the next phase of word reading and spelling.
Learn more in this clip from our Growing Proficient Readers: Dr. Ehri's Phases of Development introduction video.
Purchasing Multiple Licenses
Are you interested in purchasing multiple licenses for Growing Proficient Readers our our Early Childhood Education bundle for your school or district? Start a conversation with a Client Engagement Specialist about accessing AIM's Steps to Literacy modules to support your educators.