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AIM Institute for Learning & Research

AIM Steps to Literacy Modules

Launch your journey in the Science of Reading with

AIM’s Steps to Literacy modules

AIM Steps to Literacy modules, which can be taken individually or in course bundles, are fully asynchronous online courses providing detailed introductions to understanding Structured Literacy.

Each module is ideal for PK-12 teachers, subject teachers, paraprofessionals or university education students or professors interested in professional development in small units, as well as parents interested in the acquisition of reading and the evidence-based literacy methods that support reading development.

Take your Steps to Literacy knowledge in:

  • Overview of the Science of Reading
  • Phonological Awareness
  • Decoding & Spelling
  • Vocabulary
  • Language Comprehension & Written Expression
  • Demystifying Dyslexia
  • Growing Proficient Readers: Dr. Ehri's Phases of Development

Module Cost for Individuals:

$99 - $149 per module

$299 for Steps to Literacy Foundational Skills I

$299 for Steps to Literacy Foundational Skills II

$349 for Early Childhood Education

Take Your Step To Literacy Today

Certificate of Completion With Hours Available for CEUs Provided for Each Module.

Foundational Skills and the Early Childhood Education bundle include Credentials Unlimited micro-credential opportunities.

If you are interested in AIM Steps to Literacy Modules or bundles for a large group of participants (26 or more) or for a school or district, start a conversation with to learn about options to tailor programming to meet your needs.

Foundational Skills Modules

Overview of the Science of Reading

Module 1

The term “Science of Reading” refers to the research that cognitive scientists, literacy researchers, and expert practitioners have conducted on how individuals learn to read. This body of knowledge has been building for decades and has helped educators understand methods of reading instruction that are aligned to evidence-based practices.

Hours: 9

Cost: $99

Click Here for the Syllabus

Steps to Literacy Bundles Graphic

Foundational Skills I

Foundational Skills II

Early Childhood Education

Phonological Awareness

Module 2

Phonological Awareness is a meta-cognitive skill defined as one’s ability to attend to, discriminate, remember, and manipulate the sound structures of language. Phonological awareness, most specifically phonemic awareness, is an essential skill that underlies a student’s ability to learn to read and spell.

Hours: 7

Cost: $99

Click Here for the Syllabus

Decoding & Spelling

Module 3

Phonics and spelling instruction are essential components of any comprehensive literacy program. Teaching students to decode and encode requires not only a systematic scope and sequence but also explicit instructional practices that engage students and provide multiple opportunities to practice tasks until students can complete them at a high criterion level of performance.

Hours: 7

Cost: $99

Click Here for the Syllabus


Module 4

Researchers generally agree that a four-part approach to vocabulary instruction is most effective in developing the depth, breadth, and fluency necessary for making meaning of the language in the text when reading and expressing precise meaning when writing. Uncover a variety of direct and indirect word learning experiences that can be applied to any curriculum or program to bolster word knowledge.

Hours: 4

Cost: $99

Click Here for the Syllabus

Language Comprehension & Written Expression

Module 5

Language comprehension is complex, and a breakdown in the knowledge and skills for language comprehension will compromise a reader's ability to construct a mental model when reading or to express ideas when writing effectively. Prepare to integrate reading and writing instruction through evidence-based practices that can be applied to any curriculum or program.

Hours: 11

Cost: $129

Click Here for the Syllabus

Demystifying Dyslexia

Module 6

In-depth learning about dyslexia, a common learning disability that affects 5-20% of the population. The curated content, includes a simulated dyslexia experience and printable classroom tools, explains the origin of dyslexia, the key characteristics of the disability, and the necessary elements to support these individuals through interactive and multi-media learning experiences.

Hours: 3

Cost: $99

Click Here for the Syllabus

Take Your First Step Today

Courses are completed asynchronously online and take approximately 3-11 hours each to complete.

Certificate of Completion Provided for Each Module

Steps to Literacy Foundational Skills Bundles include Credentials Unlimited micro-credential opportunity

Early Childhood Education

Growing Proficient Readers: Dr. Ehri's Phases of Development (4 Hours) - $149  

This AIM Pathways module dives into the research legacy of Dr. Linnea Ehri’s Phases of Word Reading Development. The content of this module explains the developmental progression of foundational literacy skills, key milestones and behaviors within each phase, and the instructional focus that moves learners forward to the next phase of word reading and spelling. Click Here for Syllabus.

Ehri Animated Alphabet Letters Image


Early Childhood Education Bundle (20 Hours) - $349

The Early Childhood Education bundle, which includes a Credentials Unlimited micro-credential opportunity, provides instruction, resources and tools in three of AIM's asynchronous learning modules including our new Growing Proficient Readers course.

  • Overview of the Science of Reading - Contains content specific to the “science of reading.” 9 Hours
  • Growing Proficient Readers: Dr. Ehri's Phases of Development - Features reading researcher Dr. Linnea Ehri narrating the observable reading characteristics of learners from emerging readers in the pre-alphabetic phase through proficient readers in the consolidated phase. A deck of vibrant, printed AIM Animated Alphabet Cards, including instructional scripts to use with each card, is included with this course. 4 Hours
  • Phonological Awareness - A highly specialized module exploring the research and instructional practices related to Phonological Awareness, the first of five core components of reading instruction as identified by the National Reading Panel. 7 Hours

Start Your Early Childhood Pathway Today


Why Steps to Literacy Modules

Who: Each module is ideal for PK-12 teachers or university education professors or students interested in professional development in small units without IDA accreditation or graduate credit. Also ideal for parents interested in the acquisition of reading and the research-based literacy methods that support reading development.

What: Each module (taken individually or as course bundles) are the first steps in understanding the Science of Reading, Phonological Awareness, Decoding & Spelling, Vocabulary, Language Comprehension & Written Expression, and Demystifying Dyslexia. Each course is taken entirely online and takes approximately 5-9 hours to complete. Access to course content is available for 1 year. Certificates for hours available for CEUs are available upon completion.

Why: Each Steps to Literacy module provides teachers with engaging learning opportunities organized in a “learn, practice, apply” introductory cycle, and contains teaching techniques, videos and printable resources from our comprehensive AIM Pathways courses to develop participants’ knowledge and their transfer of new techniques into classroom practice.


What are Micro-credentials?

Credentials Unlimited Logo


In order to provide individuals with multiple opportunities to develop mastery in the science of reading, AIM is partnering with Credentials Unlimited to offer an extra level of certification to individuals exploring our Steps to Literacy modules instruction.

Learn more about micro-credential opportunities with Steps to Literacy courses here.

Interested in IDA-Accredited Literacy Training with AIM Expert Support?

AIM Pathways courses put diagnostic and prescriptive tools at your fingertips with on-demand, mobile-friendly access. It provides unique research-driven, IDA-accredited courses that can transform instructional practice with the opportunity to receive 3 graduate credits from Arcadia University.

AIM Pathways Screens


Who uses AIM Pathways?

  • Classroom Teachers K-12
  • Learning Specialists
  • Special Educators
  • Administrators
  • University Education Programs
  • State Departments of Education