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AIM Institute for Learning & Research

AIM Institute received a Reimagine Education Gold Award in the Science of Learning category at the December 2020 conference for our AIM Pathways digital teacher training platform. We are honored that our evidence-based program has received this important recognition and look forward to sharing more results from our Pathways participants as they take the science of reading into classrooms and schools.


Reimagine Education Shortlist Recognition
National Council on Teacher Quality Logo

Nancy Hennessy - Multi-Faceted Nature of Reading Acquisition

Multifaceted Nature of Reading Acquisition: Unraveling the Reading Rope with Nancy Hennessy

Free Community Webinar Recorded Tuesday, January 15, 2019 - Access to the Experts Speaker Series

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Dr. Hollis Scarborough’s Reading Rope provides a powerful illustration of the multiple strands of proficient reading. The rope model unravels the critical skills of word recognition and language comprehension. It directly informs our understanding of why some students succeed and some struggle and provides necessary direction for effective instruction. This session with education consultant and AIM Research Advisory Board member Nancy Hennessy defines the strands of the rope, examines individual contributions and necessary interactions, and further develops an understanding of how skilled reading develops.

Nancy Hennessy
Professional Practices Consultant

Nancy Hennessy, a past president of the International Dyslexia Association (IDA), is an experienced teacher and administrator. While in public schools, she provided leadership in the development of innovative programming for special needs students and an award winning professional development initiative. She has delivered keynote addresses, workshops and training to educators nationally and internationally. Nancy co-authored Module 6 of LETRS, Digging for Meaning: Teaching Text Comprehension (2nd edition) with Louisa Moats and the chapter, Word Learning and Vocabulary Instruction, in Multisensory Teaching of Basic Skills (3rd edition). She is the 2011 recipient of IDA’s Margaret Rawson Lifetime Achievement Award. Nancy has served as a national trainer for Language Essentials for Teachers of Reading and Spelling (LETRS) and is currently the Professional Practices Consultant at AIM Academy.

Nancy Hennessy